


You can access Open Links in New Tab through the Icon on the Extension Toolbar or Right Click Context Menu.

You can pin the Addon by locating the Open Links in New Tab icon on the Extension Toolbar, then clicking the Settings Wheel and Pin to Toolbar. clicking the Eye icon. clicking the Pin icon.


Activate 1 of 3 ways:

Enable Temporarily or Toggle to Always Enable for Selected Site.


Open Links in Background
Update Links On Scroll
Update Links On Attributes
Update Anchor Links
Auto Reload on Disable
Update All Tabs on Change
Add Noopener to Links
Enable Right Click Menu
Show Release Notes on Update
Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are available for extracting all links or showing the popup action to reduce toolbar clutter.
These can be configured on your browser's extension management page and varies by browser.
Instructions for Firefox: On Edge shortcuts are managed by entering the following into your address bar: edge://extensions/shortcuts On Chrome shortcuts are managed by entering the following into your address bar: chrome://extensions/shortcuts

For more information view the on GitHub or join the Discord Server.

To Add to Toolbar
Click the Icon then
Find the ASN Plus Icon and Click